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*12-18-2022 – A book discussion of “The First Christmas” by Marcus J. Borg and John Dominic Crossan led by Shelley Ward and Mary Maxwell using audio and video by the authors to help us see the real Christmas story based on their interpretations of the two nativity narratives in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.
*12-11-2022 – Mike Perkins led a continued classroom discussion of words from, “Speaking Christian: Why Christian Words Have Lost Their Meaning and How They Can Be Restored” by Marcus J. Borg. Words discussed were Bible, God, Jesus, Mercy, Righteousness, and Sin.
*12-4 – 2022 – Mike Perkins introduced the book, “Speaking Christian: Why Christian Words Have Lost Their Meaning and How They Can Be Restored” by Marcus J. Borg. Led discussion of the meaning of the words Heaven, Hell, Salvation, Faith, Belief.
*11- 20-2022 – Kimberly DiBiase Advisory Council Chair, Kairos Outside of Central Florida, told of Kairos ministries to women who have been impacted by someone else’s incarceration and Don Neff, State Vice Chair of Kairos ministries, spoke of ministries to men and women who have been incarcerated. Don Neff
*11-13-2022 – John Dominic Crossan, renowned theologian and friend of Nu Class shared colorful pictures of ancient Roman religious drawings and told events from his recent book, Render unto Caesar: The Struggle over Christ and Culture in the New Testament
*November 6- 2022 – Debby Manuel. Living the Questions. Lesson 4, Stories of Creation. Video of theologians discussing creation stories followed by classroom discussion.
*10-30-2022 – Shelley Ward presented Chapter 3 of Living the Questions by showing a video of renowned theologians discussing the character of your God, function of your faith, purpose of your church, purpose of your worship; followed by classroom discussion.
*10-23-2022 – Retired Justice Charles Wells explained the amendments on the ballot for November 6. Shelley Ward introduced Chapter 3 of Living the Questions for presentation next week.
*10-16-2022 – Debby Manuel lead a follow-up discussion of “Finding Your Bearings”during which she reminded us Jim Harnish wants us to be interested in the Old Testament. And she reminded us we have to be out there; they are not coming to us.
*10-9-2022 – Reverend Jim Harnish. This second discussion of “Finding Your Bearings” was focused on Chapters 4-6 and where do we get our blessings?
*10-2-2022 Reverend Jim Harnish. In the first discussion of his book “Finding Your Bearings” Rev Harnish emphasized and quoted many times Jesus used passages from the Old Testament.
*9-25-2022 – Jeff Chandler updated us on the service projects the Service team has delivered this year and is planning ahead into 2023.
*9-18-2022 – Lesson 2. Living the Questions, Taking the Bible Seriously. John Richard, presenter.
*9-11-2022 – Debby Manuel, Introduction to Living the Questions Series. This First Lesson: “An Invitation to Journey Focus: Faith is not a destination, but a journey.” “The beginning of true wisdom is asking the questions for which there are no answers,” Harrell Beck.
*8-28-2022 – Pastor Ron Lee, Christian Nationalism Part II
8-21-2022 – Rick Sickles, Nu Class member, discussed CRISPR-RNA and COVID-RNA. Attack or acceptance of viruses in the human body and what we can expect in future generations that will save or destroy us.
*8-14-2022 – Rev. Dr. Bob Bushong, Florida Conference East Central District Superintendent. The Impact of the Roe v. Wade decision, Part III, The United Methodist position, experiences brought to him in his ministry, and his own personal considerations and thoughts.
*8-7-2022 – Anna Eskamani. The Impact of the Roe v. Wade decision. Part II. Discussed by our Representative in the Florida House of Representatives Anna V. Eskamani.
*7-31-2022 – Kathleen McLaurin and Charles Wells. Roe v. Wade- a three week discussion. Part I: In response to the Supreme Court decision that came on June 24 on Roe v. Wade, Attorney Kathleen McLaurin and Justice Charles Wells discussed the history of Roe v. Wade and the impact of this decision.
*7-24-2022 – Adam Hartnett. Regional Circles Coordinator for the non-profit Poverty Solutions Group where Circles communities work alongside low-income households to address systemic obstacles that keep people in poverty. There are meetings at First Church.
*7-17-2022 – Pastor Ron Lee. Ron reflected on Matthew 28 and the Office of the Keys, and how to interpret the other famous biblical texts that have been used to judge gay and trans-gendered persons.
*7-10-2022 –Marsee Perkins. Courageous Conversations, Part II. How to talk to people when you disagree with what they are saying.
*7-3-2022 Doug Barrett. Traditional holiday Sunday Wrangle. Topics included the Florida UMC Annual Conference, Amy-Jill Levine-The Difficult Words of Jesus, Christian Nationalism, Our LGBTQ+ and the Bible. FL abortion legislation and other.
*6-26-2022 Mary Maxwell. Chapter 6, the final chapter of the Amy-Jill Levine study, “The Difficult Words of Jesus.” Mary discussed the words “Your Father the Devil ” from the Gospel of John.
*6-19-2022 – Nancy Peed, First Church delegate, reported on the June 9-11 Florida United Methodist Annual Conference at Florida Southern College, the first in-person event in two years. Some quotes: “… current disruption tht will lead to new growth.” and “Celebrate the beauty of diversity.”
*6-12-2022 – Tatiana Quiroga, Executive Director of Come Out with Pride Orlando, and Khalil Makdan, Event Planner, speaking about plans for this year’s Pride event on October 15 , describing the growth of the organization, and suggesting other plans for the coming year.
*6-5-2022 – Jim and Debby Manuel reported on Southern Lights 2022, an Adventure in Progressive Christianity conference, held at Epworth by the Sea, GA.
5-29-2022. Becky Postelwait discussed our First Church Children’s Ministry and her goals and objectives with our young people. She shared her personal background and her current work to become a Methodist minister to advance her ministry to our youth.
*5-22-2022. Marsee Perkins “Courageous Conversations.: How we can have meaningful and respectful conversations with those with whom we disagree.
*5-15-2022. Shelley Ward led the discussion of Chapter 5 of “The Difficult Words of Jesus” by Amy-Jill Levine. Matthew 25:30.
*5-8-2022. John Richard led the discussion of Chapter 4 of “The Difficult Words of Jesus” by Amy-Jill Levine.
*5-1-2022. Crave members told how this community of leaders, mentors and innovators is helping each other develop professional skills required to implement important entrepreneurial projects guided by the Divine that grounds them.
*4-24-2022. Reverend Michele Van Son Neill, Founder of Crave, describing their work to make spiritual development and community development available to all social entrepreneurs.
*4-17-2022, Easter Sunday. Debby Manuel introduced Marcus Borg’s video speaking about the risen from the grave Easter Story chapter from his book “The Last Week.”
*4-10-2022. Justice Charles Wells. Discussion of constitutional law related to HB 1557, Lines 97-101. “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”
*4-3-2022. Pastor Ron Lee. What is Christian Nationalism? Right Wing innate strict Bible interpretation; believing in a moral society of the puritans.
*3-27-2022. Mike Perkins. The Difficult Words of Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine. Part 3. Discussion of “And whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all.” Mark 10:44
*3-20-2022. Shelley Ward. The Difficult Words of Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine. Part 2. Discussion of “Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26-27
*3-13-2022. Rev. Vance Rains. “Opposable Theology,” based on teachings from Roger Martin, Parker Palmer, Nadia Bolz-Weber, and Richard Rohr (and others). Roger Martin is a business writer, who wrote a book called The Opposable Mind.
*3-6-2022. Debby Manuel. The Difficult Words of Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine. Part 1. Discussion of “Sell all you have; give it to the poor; and follow me.”
*2-27-2022. Kathleen McLaurin and Jim Manuel spoke respectively on the subjects “The Tyranny of Generosity” and “In Defense of Philanthropy” giving many thoughts and examples of selfish and unselfish giving.
*2-20-2022. Pastor Ron Lee addressed Faith vs Good Works theologies/philosophies of Christianity. “Faith is a trust in Jesus Christ.” “Works proceed from Faith.”
*2-13-2022. Mike Perkins spoke in detail about the multiple, diverse services provided by the Christian Service Center, alone and in coordination with other agencies, and concluded with what we can do, i.e., champion affordable housing, interact with street people, connect people in need of any kind of help with the 211 phone number.
*2-6-2022. Savannah Rogers, Director of Youth Ministries, gave an overview of the curriculum, service activities, mission projects, and summer camp of the Youth Group; and told of ways NU class members can be helpers and chaperones on Sunday evenings, Retreats, Trips, and in other ways.
*1-30-2022. Cameron Garrett, Director of New Ministries, gave an in depth history of religion in John Wesley’s years. He told how Wesley’s beliefs and theology evolved, what his beliefs were, and discussed where his beliefs were in common or in contrast to those of his day. We also learned how the Methodist Church got it’s name.
*1-23-2022. – Nancy Peed, Ron Lee, Marsee Perkins, and Debby Manuel gave their thoughts and entertained members thoughts on various aspects of “The Future of the Nu Class and First Church.”
*1-16-2022. Debby Manuel, Ron and Barb Lee, Gail Lippincott, and Rick Sickles shared the results of their Spiritual Assessments, and what the results meant to them.
*1-9-2022. Shelley Ward, Doug Barrett and John Richard continued the January discussion of our Spiritual Gifts by sharing their spiritual gifts identified by the Spiritual Assessment questionnaire.
*1-2-2022 Marsee Perkins began the January discussion topic of “Our gifts and how we impact the work of First Church.” Her topic was “What spiritual Gifts are and how we identify and share our gifts.”
*12-19-2021 Frank Gilbert gave a scholarly, discussion of reasoning, mindset, rationalization, social cohesion, empires, morality, inequality, and bias that influence our decisions and affect “Why good people are divided by politics and religion.” (Quote from Jonathan Haidt’s “The Righteous Mind.”)
*December 12, 2021 – Dr. Jill Peláez Baumgaertner introduced many poems of her own and other famous poets using the theme “The Word Made Flesh: Poets Encounter the Incarnation.” She invited seven class members to join her in reading a number of the poems she was presenting.
*December 5, 2021 – Debbie Hill and Mary Maxwell shared personal collections of poems letting us gain more in-depth knowledge of theologian Howard Thurman’s theology, insights and inspiration.
*November 28, 2021 – Raymer Maguire IV addressed America’s history of voter suppression, racial disparities in access to voting, recent changes to Florida’s voting laws, and what we can all do to fight for the protection of our voting rights.
*November 21, 2021 – Debbie Hill and John Richard discussed competing, relationship, and wishful meanings of the “Our Father” part of the Lord’s Prayer.
*November 14, 2021 – Jason Locker, First Church Chancel Choir director, shared how being surrounded by the love of his personal family and his church choir families have sustained his faith journey.
*November 7, 2021 – November 7, 2021 – Debbie Hill and John Richard continued discussion of Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount with Debbie’s theme “Blessed are they who mourn” and John’s theme “Why do we say Lord Lord?”
*October 31, 2021 – John Richard spoke briefly emphasizing “Blessed are the poor” and leaving us to ponder “Why do we say Lord, Lord and not ‘Do what I say.” Debbie provided background on author Dr. Amy-Jill Levine and discussed at length excerpts from Dr. Levine’s insightful teachings in her book “The Sermon on the Mount.”
*October 24, 2021 – Rev. Ron Lee offered his experience and thoughts concerning the relationships made up of small groups that make up a Church and the need to engage young people in relationships in NU Class and the Church in order to grow.
*October 17, 2021 – Author Susan Carol McCarthy discussed her historical fiction “A Place We Knew Well,” an Orlando story at the time of the Cuban Missle Crisis in October 1962. She told how her experience as a child in Orlando at the time led to writing the book, and she gave fascinating details from her research of what was actually going on behind the scenes in Russia, Cuba, and the U.S. at the time.
*October 10, 2021 Neftali Rodriguez, Executive Officer, gave an eloquent depiction of the Camaraderie Foundation whose mission is to provide healing for the “invisible wounds of war” through counseling, emotional and spiritual support for all branches of Post-9/11 Veterans, Service Members and their families.
*October 3, 2021 – Cameron Garrett, Director of New Ministries, told us about his youth and education and what led him to Methodist ministry; and looking ahead to getting acquainted with this Church and community and beginning his work ahead in new ministries.
*September 26 – Mike Perkins told about the Ocoee Massacre, its lost official documentation, information from survivors, and the effects through the years to now, based on research done by the History Center to develop an exhibition.
*September 19, 2021 – Megan Cepull spoke to the class about the ABCs of LGBTQIA+ Her 50 minute presentation is here: Speaker.
*September 12, 2021 – John Richard led Nu Class members in a continuation of the topics discussed during the Mini Theology Weekend with Dom Crossan.
*September 5, 2021 – NU Class members Nancy Peed, Debby Manuel, Mike Perkins, Suzanne Gifford, Doug Barrett, and John Richard discussed Building our NU Class Future, the Columbarium and Memorial Wall, and the Come Out With Pride Day parade and after-event.
*August 29, 2021 – Heather Wilkie, Executive Director of the Zebra Coalition Youth Center, Supporting and Inspiring LGBTQ+ Youth, told of the housing, mental health, counseling, training, education, and many other services the Center provides. She also outlined the history, funding, community support, and volunteers, and answered many questions from highly interested class members.
*August 22, 2021 -Tatiana Quiroga (Ex. Director), and Khalil Magdah (board member and General Chair for this year’s Pride October events). talked about her/his/their roles in the wider community, their passion and vision, the challenges they face and the allies and resources they need. Tatiana: Kahalil:
*August 15, 2021 – Joanie Holzer Schirm shared some of the contents of her book – My Dear Boy: A World War II Story of Escape, Exile and Revelation about her father, Oswald Holzer, a Czech Jewish doctor, who left Prague for Shanghai in 1939, soon after the German occupation of Czechoslovakia.
*August 8, 2021 – Rev. Dr. Bob Bushong, District Superintendent to the East Central District, shared meaningful stories about being unaware and coming to realize his white privilege growing up in the segregated south. Class members did the same.
*August 1, 2021 – Nancy Peed and Debby Manuel told details of the “Florida Methodist Annual Conference 2021: A Community of Love and Forgiveness.”
*July 25, 2021 – Debbie Hill facilitated class discussion thoughts prompted by members reading Chapter 4 Hate, Chapter 5 Love, and Reflections from Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman.
*July 18, 2021 – Using an activity called Save the Last Word, Debbie Hill facilitated a discussion of Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman, Chapter 2, Fear and Chapter 3, Deception.
*July 11, 2021 – Debbie Hill began a three-week study of Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman. She introduced Thurman telling his life story; then gave a summary of Chapter 1, Jesus – An Interpretation.
*June 27, 2021 – Rick Sickles took us into the future of what justice will look like in 2050 when we are confronted with selecting a newborn with blond hair, blue eyes, and high IQ, or relying on the natural selection we live with today. He did this with a thumbnail sketch of gene editing taken from Walter Isaacson’s newest non-fiction work, The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race.
*June 20, 2021 – Representative Anna Eskamani, of the Florida House of Representatives, talked about her early years of civic engagement and her life as a Representative. She discussed in depth many issues currently before the House and looking forward.
*June 13 , 2021 – Rev. James (Jim) Coffin, Executive Director of the Interfaith Council of Central Florida,. His topic: “From Homophobe to LGBTQ Ally: A Personal Journey and Pulse Retrospective.”
*June 6, 2021 – Michael Perkins, long-time member of the NU Class, showed historical pictures and talked about the Pulse shooting and City and First Church responses immediately after and during the past five years. He also talked about becoming a reconciling church.
*May 30, 2021 – Dick Batchelor, former member of the Florida House of Representatives, president of Dick Batchelor Management Group, Inc., addressed black officials who served our community over the years and were elected to higher community, state and federal offices; also voter suppression efforts in FL Legislature, FL Governor office and elsewhere; the buyout of newspapers; and some of today’s prominent elected officials who are and will affect these issues going forward.
*May 23, 2021 – Dianne Coleman (Dee) Coleman, Executive Director, from Samaritan Village, described this trauma-informed therapeutic program and residential facility providing victims of human trafficking a safe and comfortable environment to heal.
*May 16, 2021 – First Church member Amy Green to shared her new book, “MOVING WATER: The Everglades and Big Sugar. Following up on her discussion you may be interested in reading the following article:
*May 9, 2021 – Debbie Hill shared several religious books she has read recently.
*May 2, 2021 – Dave Bratcher and Mickie Brown acquainted us with Noah’s Ark of Central Florida, an adult residential community for people with developmental disabilities; telling us how it was founded and has developed and how it provides housing, care, social and recreational opportunities, and employment guidance for its residents.
*April 25, 2021 – Talley Wells, Executive Director of the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities, addressing state advocacy for improving the health, education and other systems for people with developmental disabilities.
*April 18, 2021 – Rev. Mary Lee Downey, CEO of the Hope Partnership, gave an overview of their work that is focused on providing affordable housing to those in need, in partnership with private, public, and faith-based organizations.
*April 11,2021 – Rachel Luce-Hitt, Education Director of the Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center of Florida. Addressed “The Inner Work of Bias and Oppression.”
*April 4, 2021 – Easter Sunday. Shelley Ward shared a book titled, Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, a Native American. The book is about indigenous wisdom and scientific knowledge of plants.
*March 28, 2021 –Palm Sunday. The Rev. Dr. James A. Harnish offered new meaning for the Old Testament Psalms Jesus quoted on the cross.
*March 21, 2021 – Dr. Hoyt Edge, Retired Chair of Philosophy at Rollins College, told stories from his life and world travels, and spoke of anomalies among the world’s cultures, in a talk titled “Are Americans the WEIRDest People in the World?”
*March 14, 2021 – Dr. William S. Barnes, founder, and Pam Gould, President/CEO, of Shepherd’s Hope spoke to the class about this Free Orlando Clinic ministry that provides health care for those who have income at or below 200% of the poverty level, are uninsured and not eligible for government assisted health care programs.
March 7, 2021 – Class discussion. Many participants offered first-hand information about Alzheimer’s.
*February 28, 2021 – Jill Pelaez Baumgaertner,scholar, administrator, literary critic, and poet spoke of the intentional blindness to religion in so much contemporary literature by looking at books, poems, and literature from the past several years.
*February 21, 2021 – Eric Gray, Executive Director at Christian Service Center for Central Florida, whose mission is to prevent homelessness, combat poverty, cultivate self-sufficiency, restore hope and glorify God through services directly addressing physical, emotional and spiritual needs for families and individuals struggling in Central Florida.
*February 14, 2021 – Michael Dippy, Founder and Executive Director of IDignity told his story of learning the impossibility of getting ID on your own without documents to prove who you are, the barriers this presents, and how this led to founding IDignity in 2008. He continued with the history and the scope of the organization and examples from the thousands of people for whom IDignity has obtained this precious document.
*February 7, 2021 – Dave Beeler discussed the “All Means All” group, also known as the “The Forward Together Group,” that he chairs for First Church and how this group is preparing First Church to become a Reconciling Ministry Congregation by accepting LGBTQ+ and all marginalized groups as children of God.
*January 31, 2021 – Rebecca Sickles, retired OCPS History teacher and school principal, past President of NU Class, Chair of Church Staff Parish and Church Council, told about growing up in Tuskegee, Alabama and her high regard for Jon Meecham and John Lewis, using Meacham’s book, “His Truth is Marching on: John Lewis and the Power of Hope” as the background of her talk.
*January 24, 2021. Charlene Edge was a cult participant for 18 years in which she shifted her worship from spiritual ideas to worship of a charismatic guru. She shared bits of how she was recruited,her cult experience, how her devotion and dependence ultimately waned, and her thoughts on cults in general today.
*January 17, 2021. Part 2: Pastor Ron Lee and Historian John Richard continued their two-part analysis of “The Birth and Spread of Christianity/ First 300 Years” with Ron taking the lead discussing the historical growth of Christianity from Crucifixion to Constantine.
*January 10, 2021. Judge Charles Wells gave an account of his thoughts and headed a discussion on the current political situation.
*January 3, 2021. Part 1 of 2: Pastor Ron Lee and Historian John Richard opened their two-part analysis of “The Birth and Spread of Christianity/ First 300 Years” with John taking the lead discussing Christianity differentiated from other other religious options in the First Century.
*December 27, 2020: John Richard finished discussion of his background. Class “wrangled,” mostly about the President’s resistance to sign a virus relief package and avert a government shutdown.
*December 20, 2020: John Richard, NU Class President, spoke of generations of his family, told growing-up family stories that often included well-known people, showed pictures of his historic church, prep school and college, all places where he studied as an organist, and concluded with moving to Orlando, finding the NU Class, and how much it has meant to him.
*December 13, 2020: John Stiles Williams, Director of Facilities and Community Partnerships, addressed the church’s new lease arrangements with the Homeless Services Network (HSN), the new Columbarium, and his initiatives for First Church over the next few years.
*December 6, 2020: Pastor Ron Lee’s topic was “Love and Justice in a time of giving.”
*November 29, 2020: Debbie Hill and a NU Class Wrangle mostly about the election, difficulty discussing election with some friends and family, and hopes going forward.
*November 22, 2020: Doug Barrett told his life story.
*November 15, 2020: Debby Manuel discussed and showed slides of speakers and subjects covered at the recent Florida Methodist Conference.
*November 8, 2020:Part 1 dedicated to the Holocaust Center. Pam Kancher, Executive Director of the Holocaust Memorial Resource and Education Center, talked about the Center’s history, student education to challenge hate and prejudice, new museum planned for downtown Orlando.
*November 1, 2020: Katharine Zimmerman discussed hunger, mental health, homeless, unemployment, poverty and the role of non-profits in our community and the Bahamas.
*October 25, 2020: Doug Barrett introduced pre-taped discussion Pastor Vance Raines had with Cary Lee and Meghan Cepull, both of whom grew up in First Church Orlando, regarding LGBTQ experiences.
*October 18, 2020: John Richard reviewed chapters 3 and 4 of Holy Love.
*October 11, 2020 – Debbie Hill reviewed the first two chapters of Holy Love, by Steve Harper.
*October 4, 2020 – John Richard showed the history and growth of the Reconciling Ministry Network across the country. Rebecca Sickles shared the history of NU Class becoming a Reconciling Community.
September 27, 2020 – Rick Sickles Part 2 continued discussion from non-fiction book Yuval Noah Harari’s, Homo Deus–Brief History of Tomorrow. How can we know where the world is going?
*September 20, 2020 – Rick Sickles discussed non-fiction book Yuval Noah Harari’s, Sapiens–A Brief History of Humankind.
*September 13, 2020 – Nancy Robbinson, Exe. Dir. of United Against Poverty, spoke about the mission and success of UP Orlando. Their mission is to serve those in poverty by providing crisis care, case management, transformative education, food and household subsidy, employment training and placement, personal empowerment training and active referrals to other collaborative social service providers.
*September 6, 2020 – Gary Cain President and CEO since 1994 of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida. Club members are provided with academic support, extracurricular opportunities, and positive adult role models. The clubs are serving 16,236 young people, 91% of whom qualify for free or reduced school lunches.
August 30, 2020 – Wrangle. A discussion of Nu Class giving through donations from The Shirley Scott Endowment balance of $8,300, left with the Nu Class after Shirley’s death 4 and a half years ago. The outcome of this discussion was choosing the charity(s) to distribute funds to right away. For a list of charities chosen click the “Donations” tab above. Host John Richard, NU Class President.
*August 23, 2020 – Retired Chief Justice of the Florida Supreme Court Charles Wells, Part Two. Discussed concerns about multiple voting problems in the forthcoming November Presidential Election.
*August 16, 2020 – Retired Chief Justice of Florida Supreme Court Charles Wells, Part One. Discussed contested elections, counting electoral votes, and fixed dates to count and electoral votes at the State and Congressional levels – December 8 and January 6, 2020 respectively.
*August 9, 2020 – Orlando’s Co-Founder, Jack McGill and President, Sherry Paramore, from ELEVATE Orlando, an educational, non-profit organization designed to meet the complex needs of at-risk youth by providing character classes and life skills training through the public-school system with the goal of empowering youth to become successful, responsible adults. Jack Sherry Xinia
August 2, 2020 – Host John Richard, NU Class President. A Class Wrangle.
*July 26, 2020 – Rev Jim Coffin, Executive Director of the Interfaith Council. His presentation was titled: “Calamities, Catastrophes, Covid-19 and Other Things that Show How Really Ticked-Off God Is … Or Not.” Is every calamity God-manufactured and God-managed? Are human groups to blame for stirring up God’s wrath?
July 19, 2020 – Rev. Katrina Jenkins, M.Div., Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life at Rollins College.
July 12, 2020 – Jill Pelaez Baumgaertner, poet editor of The Christian Century Magazine, author of the essay “The Impossible, Essential Task of Writing Poetry After Auschwitz,” among other writings, talked about her own awakening and introduced us to several Jewish poets who ask unanswerable questions.
July 5, 2020 – Anna Eskamani, Representative in Florida House of Representatives, discussing current legislative issues.
June 28, 2020 – Eric Camarillo, founder of SALT (Service and Love Together), discussing SALT’s outreach to the homeless in downtown Orlando including the trailer he brings to the First Church driveway three times a week, providing showers, food, clothes and other services.
June 21, 2020 – Rev, Dr. Vance Rains, Lead Pastor, First Church Orlando, His Mission Trips to Guatemala.
June 14, 2020 – Jennifer Sandoval, Jennifer Sandoval, Ph.D, Associate Professor and the Program Coordinator for Communication and Conflict at the Nicholson School of Communication and Media at the University of Central Florida. Speaking on “Reproductive Justice.”
June 7, 2020 – Frank Gilbert, Director of the Test Development and Measurement (TDM) Department of Orange County Public Schools,responsible for the testing of students in the 7th largest school district in the country. “COVID-19 Student Academic Study–How bad will it be, and what can be done about it.”
May 31, 2020 – Lora Gilbert, Senior Director of Food and Nutrition Services for Orange County Public Schools. How OCPS (under her direction) is feeding over 100,000 kids under stay-at-home orders with the Pandemic. She is responsible to the 7th largest school district in the nation, 226 schools, 1,624 Food Service Employees, 39 million meals served in school year 2016, 1 million meals every week.
May 24, 2020 – Scott Maxwell. “The Gospel of Good News. Why we need it. Why we share it. Why so many people ignore it.”
May 17, 2020 – Pastor Emily Sterling talked and showed pictures of her “Reflections from the Holy Land” based on the recent visit she made there and the amazing impact it had on her life.
May 10, 2020 – Dr. Larry E. Webb spoke from his and Jean’s home in North Carolina on the Topic: “Making Sense of Life’s Changes.”
May 3, 2020 – Pastor Ron Lee spoke for 20 minutes about Luther’s time of isolation after participants were invited to talk for a few minutes about their lives during this isolation time.
April 26, 2020 – Rev. Dr. James A. Harnish. A biblical basis for Earth Day, entitled “Can You Hear Creation?” based on Romans 8:18-27.
March 8, 2020 – Suzzi Machalek, infection specialist=coordinator. How viruses operate and how our behaviors affect transmission.
February 23, 2020 – Ron Lee, Retired Lutheran Minister. Session 2: Building on our knowledge of each of our personal, God-given gifts, we will examine various spiritual habits, and how they impact our life of faith. We will also explore ways to make congregational worship more vital and inclusive for the wide variety of spiritual “soul” types.
February 16, 2020 – Ron Lee, Retired Lutheran Minister. Session 1: We will examine our personal, God-given gifts and our wide variety of spiritual “soul” types.
*This presentation was recorded.Email to request a link.