NU Class Spring Has Sprung Party
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Charles and Linda Wells Lakeside Home
706 W. 2nd Ave , Windermere 34784
Please do not park in the park; please park on the drive around the park.
Pot Luck Lunch
Bring edibles and other beverages.
Iced tea, coffee, plates and utensils supplied.
Party Reservations by mailto:Debby.Jim@icloud.com
Car Pool reservations with Ron Lee at 407-614-783-5001
Van Pickup at Orlando Lutheran Towers,
300 E Church Street, Front Door
There will be only the one pickup spot.
The van leaves at 10:45 promptly, so please allow extra time to get to OLT. Parking may be difficult.
Dom Crossan will be attending, and we will celebrate his
91st Birthday.
Saturday, July 12, 2025
A NU Class event to be held at Jim and Debby Manuel Beach House, Cocoa Beach, Florida, on Saturday, July 12, 2025. Jim has arranged for an Air Show, including screaming supersonic Fighters, Hurricane Hunters, BiPlanes, which are fully accepted, Submarine-detecting Choppers, along with stealth drone. (If you don’t see ’em, that was them!)