2016 Theology Weekend Jan 15-17

  The Rev. Dr. Daniel M. Bell, Jr., Professor of Theology and Ethics
“Jesus, the Justice of God, and the Mission of the Church”
January 15-17, 2016

Friday, January 15, 2016

7:00 – 9:00 pm  Movie: “The Mission” starring Robert DeNiro and Jeremy Irons. Our speaker, The Rev. Dr. Daniel M. Bell, Jr., recommends this movie “because it offers a powerful and provocative account of the mercy of God and the mission of the Church, with, surprisingly, some strong Methodist/Wesleyan themes. During at least one of the sessions, we will discuss the movie and use it as a foil for our conversation.”

Saturday, January 16, 2016

9:30 – 4:30 am “Jesus, the Justice of God, and the Mission of the Church” Lecture with lunch break

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Dr. Bell preached on the topic of “Revealing the Glory of God” from the scripture text of John 2:1-11 at all three worship services: 8:30 and 11:00 am in the Sanctuary, and 9:30 am in the Contemporary Worship Center.

About our Speaker

The Rev. Dr. Daniel M. Bell, Jr.

Dr. Bell is Professor of Theology and Ethics at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, SC. He is an ordained Elder in The United Methodist Church. A graduate of Stetson University in Florida, he earned the Master of Divinity degree from Duke Divinity School and a PhD (in theology and ethics) from Duke University where he worked with Dr. Stanley Hauerwas. He has authored several books, including Liberation Theology After the End of History (Routledge, 2001), Just War as Christian Discipleship (Brazos, 2009), and The Economy of Desire: Christianity and Capitalism in a Postmodern World (Baker Academic, 2012).

Dr. Bell is a popular speaker at colleges and universities, campus ministries, and churches on topics such as war and peace, the moral life, stewardship, and mission of the church today. He has presented papers before distinguished organizations such as the Latin American Studies Association International Congress, the American Academy of Religion, the Society of Christian Ethics, and the Irish School of Ecumenics. His work has appeared in various journals including Christianity Today, The Christian Century, Modern Theology, Journal for Peace and Justice Studies, Communio, Cross-Currents, and Studies in Christians Ethics.